Monday, April 28, 2014


bobrauschenbergamerica, What hell is that?
bobrauschenbergamerica by Charles L. Mee is a very unique play that we just opened at the College at Brockport.
You can do it for free and you can find it at this link:
I would like to tell you more about the play, I liked it and enjoyed working on it, but it really is an odd and unique piece.

It has 43 scenes of story telling, singing, dancing and it revolves around the life and work of the artist Robert Rauschenberg, kind of. 

This year I have been very busy with our plays, concerts and taking one of our plays  to the American College Theatre Festival and helping the Dance Department host the American College Dance Festival.

All that mix with some other issues has left me with little time to write my Blog.

I still have plenty stories I want to share with you and hope to get back to regular posts soon.

For more about Robert Rauschenberg go to:
