Monday, May 17, 2021

Festival of Ten - XII


With the Covid-19 shutdown I thought I would have plenty of time to work on my Blog.

Time yes, interest no.

We did have one department production this spring semester plus several smaller student productions.

Most were filmed and one done live with masks.

The student one acts were all done in our black box theatre.

The biggest production was of The Dumb Waiter complete with a set and working dumb waiter.

The actors wore masks and there was a small socially spaced audience.


Our department mainstage show was our 12th edition of our Festival of Ten-Minute plays.

We built an outdoor stage next to the historic Erie Canal and filmed the plays in one long day.

We were lucky with a cool be sunny day and except for a bit of wind things went well.


The ten plays were edited with the addition of music and sound effects and were streamed online.

Over 40 students, alumni, faculty and staff all worked together to mount the show.

I write this post as the mask mandates are just being lifted and there is hope things will be next to normal when school begins again in the fall and we can get back into the theatres again.