Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Funny Incident and Hello World!

After working in Theatre for forty years you would think that I have seen almost everything.
Well in last night’s rehearsal something funny happened.
We were getting ready for our second technical rehearsal for our production that opens this Friday.

Boy Gets Girl, 2010

The scene designer had bought a new piece of furniture for the set and several students had just assembled it and placed it on the set.
It was a low shelf unit designed for shoes in a closet.

We use students from various Theatre intro classes on the run crews and a girl who was setting up props walked out on the set, across the office platform and stepped on the shelf unit and snapped it in half but kept going up into the bedroom platform without stopping, but when she did she just turned around looked back and said “What!” as everyone was laughing.
Then the student said “I thought it was a step”.

While working on my blog and posting a recent entry I found a button I had not seen before.
It gave statistics on how many people have read my blog and which countries they are from.
I was very surprised and happy to see how many readers that I have from all over the world.
The top countries outside of the US for readers of my blog are: Germany, Russia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Israel, Vietnam, Australia, Finland and Poland, but there are many more.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of my readers and I hope that you will leave comments or drop me an e-mail and let me know who and where you are.

As soon as the current play opens I hope to get back to writing my normal, if you can call them that, blog entries.


1 comment:

  1. That is totally funny, but I know there have been other students, including me, who have made funny mistakes. Um, "The Dining Room", french door spot, circa 1987? Or maybe student who stapled his finger to the muslin he was stretching on a frame, 1986? Okay, that one wasn't funny and involved large amounts of bandages... great that you are getting readers from all over the world - that is exciting!
